Home Advice

Understanding the Importance of Home Inspections

January 27, 2021

Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or you’ve purchased and sold homes countless times, a home inspection is a vital part of the home-buying process. Inspections protect the buyer from unforeseen expenses – possibly saving you tens of thousands of dollars down the road – and help to ensure the […]

Debunking 5 Common Home Buying Myths

January 13, 2021

Navigating the path to homeownership is both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially for first-time home buyers. While it’s common for friends and family to offer their personal advice for navigating the residential real estate market, it’s also important to find a trusted mortgage lender to help you every step of the […]

Five Common First Time Homebuyer Mistakes

January 6, 2021

Buying a home can be a daunting process filled with emotions and many unknowns. It’s important to be patient and take one step at a time to avoid making costly mistakes.  Let’s review five common mistakes that first-time homebuyers often make and, most importantly, how to avoid them in the […]

Escrow Explained: What Buyers Need to Know

December 21, 2020

Buying a home can be a complicated process filled with phrases and concepts that are difficult for many people to understand. One such term commonly used during the home buying process is “escrow”. Let’s take a deeper look at this concept, as well as what it means for homebuyers. What […]

Refinancing 101 – What You Need to Know

November 6, 2020

When mortgage interest rates are low, many homeowners consider refinancing as a way to lower their monthly payments and adjust the terms of their mortgage loans.  It’s important to remember, however, that refinancing a mortgage should be based on the homeowners’ individual finances and long-term goals, not just this week’s […]

8 Ways to Add Value to Your Home

October 7, 2020

As a homeowner, it’s important to maintain your property and not let it fall into disrepair. Making improvements to your home will protect your investment and make the process of selling your property much easier down the road. Most often, an updated home is more desirable for potential buyers and […]

Tips for Selling Your Home During Autumn

October 1, 2020

While Spring remains the peak real estate season and the best time of year to put your home on the market, it doesn’t mean that you cannot sell your home for a great price during Autumn.  While housing inventory may be lower during the Autumn season, it’s also true that […]

What’s the Difference? Pre-Qualified vs. Pre-Approved

September 9, 2020

The mortgage approval process can be filled with terms, rules, and regulations that may be confusing to homebuyers. That’s why, at GoPrime, we take pride in helping homebuyers understand the mortgage process from start to finish. You’ve probably heard that it’s important for homebuyers to become pre-qualified or pre-approved when […]

Mistakes to Avoid During the Mortgage Approval Process

September 2, 2020

The first step towards buying a home often involves saving for a downpayment and achieving a pre-approval letter from a mortgage provider.  A pre-approval letter indicates you’re a serious buyer committed to buying a home, with the financial means to do so. The letter is typically issued after a thorough […]

How to Achieve the Best Mortgage Rate

August 27, 2020

Interest rates are at historic lows; however, not everyone will qualify for exceptional mortgage rates. This is because mortgage rates are dependent on a number of factors specific to the borrower, including their credit score, available down payment, employment history and more.  In today’s blog, we’ll cover four ways to […]

Summer Activities During COVID-19

August 19, 2020

While this summer may look different than years past, there is still plenty of socially-distanced fun to be had this season. Enjoy outdoor activities including farmer’s markets, berry picking, metro parks, water sports and more! Local Produce and U-PICK Fields  If you’re in search of fresh produce or would like […]

Hidden Costs of Owning a Home

August 13, 2020

While owning a home is costly, it is still considered a smart financial decision. According to NerdWallet, paying down a mortgage over time can be viewed as a kind of “forced savings” as you build equity with each monthly payment.  However, while homeownership can offer some great financial benefits, it […]

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

August 5, 2020

Selling your home can be both time-consuming and emotionally challenging, especially if you’ve never done it before! You will welcome strangers into your home, only to have them scrutinize the property and likely offer you less money than you feel your home is worth.  This is why sellers have to […]

How to Sell Your Home During COVID-19

August 3, 2020

Selling a home can be a stressful experience. Just the thought of keeping your home in tip-top shape to be shown to potential buyers can feel like a full-time job! However, we’re living in unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This disease has impacted nearly every industry and real […]

Understanding Your Mortgage Payment

April 29, 2020

After saving for a down payment and purchasing your new dream home….What comes next? A mortgage statement, of course!  If that has you scratching your head as you try to understand what your mortgage payment is actually made up of, fear not. We’ve got you covered.  In this blog, we’ll […]

Tax Benefits of Owning a Home

April 14, 2020

Homeownership has its share of ups and downs; however, it’s crucial to capitalize on all the good—especially applicable tax benefits! Continue reading as we cover six common tax benefits for homeowners in today’s blog.  Mortgage Interest Deduction: According to experts at NerdWallet, “mortgage interest deduction allows you to reduce your […]

How to Stay Active While Social Distancing

March 26, 2020

In recent weeks, more Americans than ever before have started working remotely! Working from home can be quite an adjustment, especially for those of us used to traveling to and from work every day! Below are a few tips to remain active and connected to friends and loved ones, despite […]

Earnest Money Deposit vs. Down Payment

March 3, 2020

Navigating the home buying process can be tricky, whether you’re searching for your dream home or preparing your home to be sold.  Two standard terms of equal importance to both the buyer and seller are “earnest money deposit” and “down payment.” Both have to do with money, but what is […]

Common Mortgage Terms Explained

February 10, 2020

Are you interested in purchasing a new home? Below are the most common terms to know, as you navigate the home buying process.  Ten Common Mortgage Terms: Annual Income – The amount of money you earn in a year, including yearly salary or wages, bonuses, commissions, overtime, tips, etc. Your annual […]

10 Reasons to List Your Home in Winter

December 8, 2019

Very often, there’s a good reason why a myth or wives’ tale takes off and gets passed on from generation to generation. Take the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” A United Kingdom study actually found that if everyone over the age of 50 ate one apple […]

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